Still have more questions?

Send us an Email, or give us a call (516) 612 - 4884

Are these services covered by Medicare and other Insurers and what are the re-imbursement rates?

Yes, Medicare and other insurers cover for video eye tracking (VENG), comprehensive hearing testing, tympanometry, acoustic reflexes, otoacoustic emissions and vestibular therapy.
*For patients who meet Medicare coverage criteria, including a physician order.

Who can do this testing?

Anyone on staff who has been trained to do VENG, Balance testing, hearing testing, and therapy can perform these services under the supervision of an audiologist or physician.

I don't know how to read a Video Eng or a balance test. Who will help me with reading and reporting the results?

We have a staff of professionals to assist you in every phase of testing, therapy, reading and interpretation of all clinical data.

How much space does this program require?

An existing exam room typically is all that is needed.

I have several offices. Is this equipment portable?

Yes, it is very portable. It can be placed in a lap top computer and moved easily from location to location. Don't worry, we'll come to you.

Does the Treatment really work?

Yes, it really works. Our company works with one of the largest manufacturers of VNG machines, who designed this program and have trained many physicians, nurses, audiologist, and physical therapists, many from the Mayo Clinic.